TreSports Positive Action Program

The mission of the TreSports Positive Action program is to enrich and impact the lives of economically disadvantaged youth of North Carolina by offering programs that service the “whole” family unit. Our goal is to provide exceptional programs with highly trained staff that will focus on meeting the various needs of our community, such as educational gaps, emotional and mental health disparities, and a lack of parental involvement. The TreSports Collaboration will utilize sports as a vehicle to reach the economically disadvantaged youth of North Carolina. Quite simply, our vision is it to transform communities by inspiring youth to dream big and excel at their fullest potential. We believe that all children can aspire and strive to live out their dreams, if provided with the necessary tools and resources to succeed.
Tresports Target Population
  • The target population is court involved youth ages 8-20, who have been adjudicated, who are undisciplined, and/or delinquent
  • The program maintains a “ no reject, no eject” policy to assist judicial agencies in reducing reliance on punitive strategies, and keeping youth maintained in the least restrictive environment
Cornerstone Elements

Tresports incorporates the following elements to address the JCPC’S risk factors:

  • Positive Action Skill Building Curriculum
  • Small group tutorials with Certified teachers
  • Weekly Parenting Sessions
  • Positive Action Empowerment Sessions
  • Organized Athletics
  • 24/7 Crisis Intervention
  • A detailed evaluation component
  • Motivational Monday
  • Talk To Me Tuesday
  • Wising up Wednesdays
  • Triumph Thursdays
Best Practice Model
The Tresports Program adheres to several of the nationally recognized frameworks of the System of Care principles; the program is community-based, culturally competent, involves families and youth as full partners, and focuses on the strengths of the participants.

  • Tresports supports students and families by attending:
  • Court Hearings
  • Child/Family Team (CFT) meetings
  • Home/School visits
  • Tresports uses a culturally competent staff reflective of the culture of the families served
Positive Action Skill Building ™
Evidence- based

  • The Positive Action program is a skill building program proven to increase academic achievement and reduce violent behaviors in participants.
  • The program is recognized as a research-based, proven effective program endorsed, by the U.S. Department of Education What Works Clearinghouse, as the only character education program that improves academics and behavior.
  • The academic component of the Positive Action program focuses on preparing students for success with the state-adopted Common Core curriculum.
  • The program utilizes the Learn Zillion online program for Reading and Mathematics in collaboration with North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s School Net Program.
  • Reading tutorials will focus on the 5-areas of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension as recommended by the National Reading Panel Report.
  • Math tutorials will support and correlate with the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
  • Teaching staff also assist in homework and additional tutoring.
Parenting Skill Building
  • Parenting Wisely is an evidence-based curriculum endorsed by OJJDP as an exemplary program.
  • It has been recognized as a Best Practice for Prevention of Youth Violence by the Center For Disease Control and is a recipient of the Positive Parenting Award by the National Council for Children’s Rights.
  • The program provides weekly parent skill-building classes (one hour) for the duration of the program, and is led by a trained group facilitator.
  • Parents will learn how to improve their ability to evaluate problems, assume responsibility for their actions, and develop effective parenting skills.
Intensive Intervention
The program provides weekly (group) Positive Action Empowerment Sessions facilitated by Qualified Mental Health Professionals (QMPs), The Right Choice MWM, Inc. (TRC)

Empowerment Sessions Topic Areas:

  • Attitude and Conflict Resolution
  • Respect for Self and Others
  • Safety/Security and Truth/Consequences
  • Planning for Higher Education and Career Choices
Organized Athletics
  • To redirect inappropriate youth behavior, the program makes participation in organized athletics a privilege contingent on youth complying with program attendance goals, participation in the Positive Action curriculum, and school performance.
  • Studies indicate that programs combining a focus on youth development including organized sports have a strong impact on academic performance.
  • As an incentive to complete the program and improve school functioning, the program will incorporate organized athletics.
Program Operation
  • The program operates Monday through Friday from 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm, on weekends and throughout the summer months to provide safety, structure, and supervision during the hours when youth are most likely to engage in delinquent activity.
  • Our program’s framework adheres to the optimal levels of operation in accordance with NC DPS program standards for Interpersonal Skill Building.
Program Goals
The overall goals of the Tresports Program are  to provide judicial agencies with cost effective alternatives to restrictive environments and to improve academic functioning, and parental supervision in Mecklenburg County.

  • Keep our youth arrest-free and ensure that they are safely supervised
  • Increase the number of youth who are attending school regularly and performing at grade level
  • Improve family functioning and help parents provide safe, nurturing environments for their children
  • Our program model addresses concerns specific to the following domains:
  • Individual
  • Peer
  • School
  • Family
    • Employs best practices models
    • Maintains a  “no reject, no eject” referral policy
    • Recruits culturally competent staff
    • Focuses on the strengths of every youth served
  • The program includes a comprehensive formative and summative evaluation component that is conducted by Dr. Chance Lewis, Director of the Urban Education Collaborative at UNC Charlotte.




Phone: 704-900-6210
Address: 10101 Newell Hickory Grove Road Charlotte, NC 28213

Support Our Youth

You can also get involved by making a donation online.

10th Anniversary

Grand Affair

Join us for a decade of excellence!

Celebrate the 10th anniversary of TreSports Association Inc. at the Grand Affair on Thursday, October 10th. Enjoy a night of elegance, networking, and entertainment, all while supporting a great cause. Tickets are available for purchase! Don't miss out on this unforgettable event!

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